About Me

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I am a wife, fur mommy, medical professional and DIY crafter! Just trying to find my purposeful place, one day at a time.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

A little about me

Hi Ladies!

My name is Bridgette and I decided to start a blog to connect with the many women out there who just need a place to come and talk, vent, obtain advice or even a boost of confidence for the day! 

I am a wife of almost 5 years, this May 2017, and my husband and I currently do not have any kids but are hoping to begin our journey to becoming a family this year. We currently have 2 fur babies, one full bred Yorkshire Terrier named Adah who is my Princess and is currently 6 years old, and one who is half yorkie, half miniature australian shepherd and his name is Bruce Wayne and he is absolutely adorable! My sweet little Prince. We got him for Adah to have a buddy since we are often gone for long hours during the day and didn't want her to be lonely. Bruce is 1 year old and his birthday is a day before Thanksgiving. They definitely have become the best of buddies and go everywhere together and enjoy the outdoors and boulder climbing! I need to attach a video one day of Bruce climbing boulders. He is fearless!! Adah is more cautious but she loves being outside and walking along trails with us. I would not trade either of them for anything in the world. They are truly loved!

That being said, people often assume because my husband and I do not have children that life must be easy for us but I can assure you it is not always a walk in the park. We have struggles and things we have to overcome together and prioritize in our life, just as much as a family of 3+. 

When we first got married, neither of us had college degrees and my husband was in school, working on his pre-reqs for nursing school. It was very tough working our min wage jobs and just getting by. My husband worked a full time job and lots of overtime, even nights and doubles to get us through our bills, month to month. I worked 3 different part time jobs from my main job, which was retail, to cleaning homes on my off days to working as a hostess during nights. We stayed very busy, but we were young and in love. I still look back sometimes at the times when we barely had enough to buy bread or pay our water bill and I remember the nights I would stay up imagining my life 5 years from then. I knew it would all pay off and it is that hope that kept me positive. We did come through and bought our first house together last year and have made quite a few changes to make it ours. It has been a journey ever since! 

I finally got my dream vehicle last year, a Jeep Wrangler X. I learned how to drive a 6 speed manual shift and we have been working on modifications on the jeep. It is our main go-to when we go to town or anywhere together, really. We love it and i don't think i will ever get rid of it. I want to make sure to teach my kids to drive a stick so they will never be limited. I want them to be well-rounded and have options in life, even the vehicles of their choice in life. I almost passed up my jeep because i did not know how to drive a manual shift but i learned in a day.. Let's just say, i was motivated! 

I know a lot of the things I have overcome and made it through in life, is thanks to my husband. He pushes me to want more from life; to go farther than I ever imagined. And he walks his talk. That man accomplishes everything he puts his mind to. Once he is set, consider it done because he is not giving up until it is complete or come to pass. I could not imagine my life without my sweet, and hard working husband. He is one of the most loyal, hard working, and driven people I know! Not to mention, he is so HOT! And I am so in love! 💓

Dancing and singing Tennessee Whiskey

Well, that's a little about me. I am so looking forward to getting to know you all and I hope my blog can bring some inspiration to my readers and open up conversation. 

I would love to know, what is something you have overcome in your life and how did you do it? Who were the people who stood by you and was there any motivation behind the "why" you overcame?

Stay beautiful, ladies!

Yours in friendship,